Author: acrp-peace
New date of the 9th General Assembly: October 20 to 22, 2021
At the ACRP Executive Committee meeting, held on 14 and 15 October, EC members agreed on new dates for the 9th General Assembly in 2021. The main assembly will be held On October 20 to 22, 2021 at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center. They also agreed on new dates for Youth Pre-Assembly, which will be held from 17 to 19 October, and for Women’s Pre-Assembly, which will be held on 19 October.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all EC members have concluded that the next Assembly should deal with this theme one way or the other. Therefore, it was also announced that the central theme and sub-themes of the Assembly have Read more about New date of the 9th General Assembly: October 20 to 22, 2021[…]
CCRP Hosted International Webinar to Share Experience on Fight against COVID-19
October 12, 2020, China Committee on Religion and Peace (CCRP) hosted an international online meeting themed by Solidarity and Cooperation-International Webinar on Multi-Religious Response to COVID-19 and Shared Well -being. Mr.Deng Zongliang, Executive Vice President of CCRP chaired the meeting, Vice Presidents of CCRP, Ven. Yanjue, Rev. Xu Xiaohong, Ven. Zhang Fenglin, and Deputy SGs, Mr.Adilijiang Ajiklim, Mr.Gu Mengfei, attended. Prof. Karam, SG of RfP International delivered a congratulatory message by video, Dr. Din Syamsuddin, Moderator of ACRP, Prof. Cahill, Deputy Moderator of ACRP and Dr. Nemoto, SG of ACRP as well as religious leaders from Italy, the UK, Belgium, Japan, South Korea, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Pakistan attended. All Read more about CCRP Hosted International Webinar to Share Experience on Fight against COVID-19[…]
Speech by Ven. Zhang Fenglin, Vice President of CCRP, at the Webinar Hosted by CCRP in October 2020
Ven. Zhang FenglinVice President of China Committee on Religion and PeaceVice President and Secretary-General of Chinese Taoist AssociationDear colleagues of different religions, dear friends,Greetings.It’s my honor to attend the webinar today and share experience in fighting against COVID-19 and enhancing mutual understanding and friendship with colleagues present here and from an online Zoom meeting.This urgently emerging COVID-19 concerns the hearts of all people in China, including religious leaders and believers. When one is in trouble, help comes from all others. Looking back to the process of fighting against the pandemic, China Taoist circles have paid close attention to the spreading of the virus and took series of measures to prevent Read more about Speech by Ven. Zhang Fenglin, Vice President of CCRP, at the Webinar Hosted by CCRP in October 2020[…]