ASIAN CONFERENCE OF RELIGIONS FOR PEACE◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ASIA PACIFIC WOMEN OF FAITH NETWORK<Three Days Lobby and Advocacy Workshop on 24th – 26th. September, 2024>DAY 1After an opening Hindu prayer from Ms. Pooja Manandhar from Nepal, ACRP’s Senior Advisor, Rev. Masamichi Kamiya, acting on behalf of ACRP’s Secretary-General, Rev. Dr. Yoshi Shinohara, who was in Europe on a humanitarian mission, began his welcoming remarks by highlighting the importance of Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network (APWoFN) led by Rev. Elga Sarapung, a Protestant pastor from Jogjakarta and the focus on human trafficking which began at the 2021 Asian Assembly. He emphasized that human trafficking is a major social problem and a national and global Read more about ONLINE WORKSHOP on HUMAN TRAFFICKING[…]

Religions for Peace is Gravely Alarmed at the Escalation of Conflict in the Middle East, Urges Immediate Ceasefire

Religions for Peace is Gravely Alarmed at the Escalation of Conflict in the Middle East and Urges Immediate CeasefireA Statement from the Executive Committee05 October 2024, New YorkThe Executive Committee of Religions for Peace, an organization dedicated to peaceful coexistence around the world, is gravely alarmed at the continued war in the Holy Land and its escalation to Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East.We mourn this preventable tragedy and the loss and displacement of thousands of innocent civilians across Israel, Lebanon, Palestine and the region. We pray and empathize with all those who have been so grievously impacted – losing lives, limbs and livelihood and with homes destroyed and dreams shattered. We worry about children, women, elderly and disabled population who are spending their days in a dire strait, barely surviving from extremely inadequate humanitarian aid.Everyday, the people in this region, across the borders on all sides, are living in terror and constant bombardment in some of the most densely populated areas. This really must stop.It is disturbingly regretful to see that there is no ceasefire in effect as the war in Gaza is ongoing for a year now despite the pleas of numerous organizations and leaders.  In our previous statements in October 2023 and February 2024, we condemned all acts of crimes and violence against unarmed population of both Israel and Palestine and called for a ceasefire. We continue to urge an immediate ceasefire today.Religions for Peace stands for justice and dignity of people and the planet, and the protection of all – regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender or age. Religions for Peace calls on all parties to exercise maximum restraints and protect the dignity and sanctity of life.We urge the international community to facilitate a ceasefire agreement and seek a path to a sustainable peace. We urge the global leaders to refrain from fueling the conflicts, and end the sufferings and deaths of innocent people, including thousands of children.This continued violence will not bring stability and peace in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and neither in the region nor around the world. Violence begets only violence. Peace brings stability.This escalation only serves to deepen divisions and prolong suffering on both sides, as the civilians, especially women and children, are bearing the immeasurable brunt of this.To de-escalate and seek peaceful solutions in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and wider region we call for:Immediate Ceasefire and End to All Aggressions: All combatants and armed forces must halt all military operations, rocket attacks, airstrikes, ballistic missiles and all other forms of violence.Humanitarian Access and Safe Shelters: Ensure humanitarian corridors are open for the immediate delivery of food, drinking water, medical supplies, and all other critical aid to the people of Gaza and Lebanon to alleviate their suffering and prevent further deaths in displaced communities.  Ensure  that  humanitarian  workers  have  unrestricted  access  to  assist  the displaced populations and those who are affected by the conflict have the safe passage to seek shelters which must not be targeted.Release the Hostages: We call upon Hamas to release all Israeli hostages who are still in captive for a year now and ensure their dignified return to their homes and families.International Peace Mediation: International community must rapidly assist negotiations between  Israel  and  Palestine  government  representatives,  and  alongside, we  call  for  an emergency regional conference in the Middle East to de-escalate and open a dialogue to find solutions. These mediations should focus on addressing the underlying root causes of the conflict, including political, human rights, humanitarian, territorial issues.End to Blockade:  In  coordination  with  international  bodies,  it  is  imperative  to  lift dehumanizing blockade on Gaza, which has been under siege for decades, for long-term peace, justice, and equality for both Israelis and Palestinians. The people of Palestine, Lebanon, Israel all deserve to live peacefully, in harmony and with dignity. With the assistance from the United Nations, explore options to deploy peacekeeping operations to maintain stability and address security concerns in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and the region.Two-State Solution: Re-open the dialogue for a long-term peace agreement to establish a two-state solution, based on mutual recognition, defined borders following the United Nations mandates. The agreed peaceful two-state solution is the only path that guarantees security and dignity for both Israelis and Palestinians.Address the Needs of Refugees and IDPs: Address the refugee crises and displaced populations from Israel, Gaza Lebanon and in the wider region and assist the survivors to rebuild their lives to live with dignity and form a reconciliation body to establish a peaceful, just, equal, sovereign nations, living in harmony, side by side.Finally, we reiterate the words of the Document of Human Fraternity, “We, who believe in God and in the final meeting with Him and His judgement, on the basis of our religious and moral responsibility, (and through this Document), call upon ourselves, upon the leaders of the world as well as the architects of  international policy and world economy, to work strenuously to spread the culture tolerance and of living together in peace; to intervene at the earliest opportunity to stop the shedding of innocent blood and bring an end to wars, conflicts, environmental decay and the moral and cultural decline that the world is presently experiencing.”Religions for Peace, founded in 1970, is the world’s largest and most representative multi-religious movement advancing common action among the world’s religious communities for peace—peace for all people and for our planet. Religions for Peace works through its Interreligious Councils in nearly 100 countries in six regions, along with women of faith and youth networks, at the local, national, regional and international levels, and profoundly believes that every individual, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or background, deserves the fundamental human rights of peace and security.

Emergency Online Meeting with Religions for Peace Bangladesh Leaders

On August 30, Rev. Dr. Yoshinori Shinohara, Secretary-General of Religions for Peace Aisa (ACRP), his secretariat, and RfP Bangladesh held an emergency online meeting in response to the news that over 1,000 students had been killed in student protests and riots. We discussed the situation they are facing on the ground and what we can do now. In this meeting, four leaders from RfP Bangladesh participated. It was an significant opportunity for both the ACRP Secretariat and RfP Bangladesh to express their solidarity in acting for peace. In the past, RfP Bangladesh has been an important chapter which has been actively involved in ACRP’s flagship projects, such as protection of children’s rights. Read more about Emergency Online Meeting with Religions for Peace Bangladesh Leaders[…]

Online Forum: Drivers and Barriers to Routine Immunization for Children Under Five and COVID 19 Vaccination Among Religious Communities

Religions for Peace Asia is pleased to announce that UNICEF,  Joint Learning Initiative on Local Faith Communities (JLI) and Religions for Peace will be holding an online forum with the topic of “Drivers and Barriers to Routine Immunization for Children Under Five and COVID 19 Vaccination Among Religious Communities”. They will discuss the findings and results of the Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities (FPCC) Initiative‘s multi-country survey, conducted across 10 countries and receiving nearly 20,000 respondents. From 2022-2023, the global FPCC initiative, comprising UNICEF, the Joint Learning Initiative on Local Communities, Religions for Peace and other faith-based partners, conducted a multi-country mobile phone survey with nearly 20,000 Read more about Online Forum: Drivers and Barriers to Routine Immunization for Children Under Five and COVID 19 Vaccination Among Religious Communities[…]

Prayers and Meditations for Our Earth and UN Climate Conference

We are pleased to invite you our upcoming silent meditation session dedicated to prayers and reflections for our Earth and in support of the UN Climate Conference, hosted by Religions for Peace Australia.Let’s come together in spirit and solidarity as we reflect on our collective responsibility towards our planet and support global efforts towards climate action. 🌎 Session Details:✅ Theme: Prayers and Meditations for Our Earth and UN Climate Conference✅ Reflection: A participant will offer a 3 – 5 minute reflection to guide us into silent prayers and meditations.✅ Silent Meditation: 20 minutes of silent meditation, each according to their tradition.✅ Conclusion: Participants who wish to depart after the meditation may do so. Those who want to stay Read more about Prayers and Meditations for Our Earth and UN Climate Conference[…]

2024 World Day against Trafficking in Persons

“Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”~One out of every three victims of trafficking in the world is a child~Human trafficking includes a wide range of issues such as sexual exploitation, forced labor, organ trafficking, child labor, domestic servitude, and forced to commit crimes.As of 2021, 50 million people worldwide are living as “modern slaves”, among whom 28 million are in forced labor, and 22 million are in forced marriages.Compared to the previous global estimate released in September 2017 (as of 2016), the number of people in modern slavery as of 2021 increased by over 10 million, indicating that women and children remain disproportionately vulnerable.Especially among trafficking Read more about 2024 World Day against Trafficking in Persons[…]

Religions for Peace Asia (ACRP) Executive Council Meeting Held in Sri Lanka

-Next ACRP Governance Assembly is to be held in Singapore-Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP) holds their Executive Council meeting once a year. This year, they met from May 28 to 30 in Kalutara Province, Sri Lanka. Seventy-three participants from 18 countries attended, including online participants.The agenda of the Executive Council meeting included a report on the activities and progress of the action plan, which was approved at the 9th Governance Assembly in 2021, including the “Flagship Projects (priority implementation projects)” being promoted by the ACRP, as well as discussions regarding the hosting of the next Governance Assembly.As part of the discussion, RfP Singapore, RfP Pakistan, and RfP Japan Read more about Religions for Peace Asia (ACRP) Executive Council Meeting Held in Sri Lanka[…]

“Welcoming the Other: Strengthening Advocacy and Action for Refugees and other Forcibly Displaced Communities” Event Report

On World Refugee Day, 20 June, Religions for Peace hosted the virtual event Welcoming the Other: Strengthening Advocacy and Action for Refugees and other Forcibly Displaced Communities. This event brought religious and faith leaders, former refugees, youth, and other stakeholders, to engage in dialogue and best practices to strengthen advocacy and mobilisation efforts for the protection and participation of refugees and other forcibly displaced communities in decision-making and peacebuilding processes.Read More


Religions for Peace Asia is pleased to annoucne that an historic multi-faith event will take place in Hiroshima, Japan, on July 9th and 10th, 2024, co-organized with Religions for Peace Japan, the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.❖ The event can be followed upon registration:– On July 9th at this link– On July 10th at this link for the first part of the day (at the International Conference Center Hiroshima “Dahlia”)– On July 10th at this link for the second part of the day (at the Peace Memorial Park) For more information, please visit their official website through this link.※The logo belongs to the AI ETHICS FOR PEACE: WORLD RELIGIONS COMMIT Read more about AI ETHICS FOR PEACE: WORLD RELIGIONS COMMIT TO THE ROME CALL[…]

Invitation to a Virtual Event on World Refugee Day

Religions for Peace is pleased to invite you to an event in celebration of World Refugee Day: “Welcoming the Other: Strengthening Advocacy and Action for Refugees and Other Forcibly Displaced Communities” on Thursday, 20 June 2024, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT. (Click here for your local time)World Refugee Day, observed annually on 20 June, honours the strength and resilience of those who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, violence, persecution, or natural disasters. With over 114 million people displaced worldwide, it is imperative that we, as a global community, come together in solidarity with the refugees and others displaced people and advocate for their fundamental Read more about Invitation to a Virtual Event on World Refugee Day[…]