Mrs. Seemi Ikramullah Khan interviewed for International Women’s Day

Mrs. Seemi Ikramullah Khan, the chairperson of Religions for Peace Pakistan, has actively supported and dedicated to Religions for Peace for a long time, and interviewed for International Women’s Day.International Women’s Day is a celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It’s also a day to reflect on the progress we’ve made and the work that still needs to be done to achieve gender equality. Religions for Peace Pakistan is celebrating the International Women’s Week from 1st to 8th March ’23 where we will be acknowledging the struggles and efforts of women from all across the world. In this week, we honor the courage, resilience, and Read more about Mrs. Seemi Ikramullah Khan interviewed for International Women’s Day[…]

Prayers & Sacred Reflections Responding to the Floods In Australia and for all in Australia and Pakistan

In the latter part of 2022, parts of Australia’s east coast were hit with ongoing flooding, just one week after the declaration of a rare third La Niña. Torrential widespread rain and storms across much of the inland southeast caused major flooding from already full waterways across southern Queensland, inland New South Wales and northern Victoria.In response to the damage and suffering caused to those in flooded townships – and in small towns – and the byways of regional Australia and Tasmania, Religions for Peace Australia will conduct Prayers for the welfare of all involved and affected, and for all who are suffering ongoing dislocation and illnesses.Prayers and Sacred Reflections responding to Read more about Prayers & Sacred Reflections Responding to the Floods In Australia and for all in Australia and Pakistan[…]

Announcement: ACRP New Leadership

The ACRP Tokyo Assembly was held online from October 17 to 22, 2021. About 500 people from all over the world participated.During the assembly, the Governance Assembly approved the new leadership of ACRP!Please refer to each page for details.ACRPAsia & the Pacific Interfaith Youth NetworkAsia-Pacific Women of Faith Network

The Landing Page of the ACRP General Assembly

Asian Conference of Religions for Peace9th General Assembly will be held soon!~The landing page of the Assembly website is now available!~ program schedule is on the Assembly Website)Registration for the Assembly will open on the website on September 2, 2021.Youth Pre-Assembly: October 17, 2021Women’s Pre-Assembly: October 18, 2021General Assembly: October 19-22, 2021

Speech by Mr. Khalid Marwat, President of Religions for Peace Pakistan, at the Webinar Hosted by CCRP in Oct. 2020

Mr. Khalid MarwatPresident of Religions for Peace PakistanPakistan, as located in a strategic position on the global map with a responsible country, encountered the COVID-19 pandemic as we just got out of the war against terror in a successful manner and the same successful result was also achieved against this deadly virus.The financial constraints being faced as a developing country made us stronger and encouraging to stop this time testing element. The lockdowns throughout the country in rural and urban areas were strictly imposed without any discrimination of religion, sect, or ethnicity as the less privileged in financial aspect was the main hurdle to practically impose it but the government Read more about Speech by Mr. Khalid Marwat, President of Religions for Peace Pakistan, at the Webinar Hosted by CCRP in Oct. 2020[…]