Online Shelter Visit: ~New Trafficking in Persons: Lessons from the Philippines~

The Front Lines of Sexual Exploitation~New Trafficking in Persons: Lessons from the Philippines~Registration Link: the first collaboration project of Religions for Peace Japan and Religions for Peace Philippines, Religions for Peace Asia (ACRP) is pleased to announce that we will hold the first online shelter visit webinar to raise public awareness of The Front Lines of Sexual Exploitation on Saturday, June 17th, 2021.According to the 2016 report by the ILO, more than 40 million people worldwide are victims of trafficking in persons, with sexual exploitation accounting for about 60% of the total. In addition to forced prostitution, there are also new forms of sexual exploitation, such as forced marriage, Read more about Online Shelter Visit: ~New Trafficking in Persons: Lessons from the Philippines~[…]

The DIAN Institute/INTERFIDEI’s 30th Anniversary Webinar Series (Series II)

<Register NOW!>** The DIAN Institute/INTERFIDEI’s 30th Anniversary Webinar **Let us celebrate the 30th anniversary of Institut Dialog Antar-Iman di Indonesia atau Institute for Inter-Faith Dialogue in Indonesia (Institut DIAN/Interfidei)!After holding the First Webinar Series in April, Interfidei invites you all in the 30th Anniversary on the Second Webinar Series titled,*Sharing experiences and critical reflections with FRIENDS FROM THE INDONESIAN INTERFAITH NETWORK (JAII). What are some valuable lessons in facing and responding to the “present” leading to a shared, positive future for peace in Indonesia?*For Institute DIAN/Interfidei, working with Networks at the local and national levels in Indonesia, Asia-Pacific, and internationally is very important. It is crucial because from and within Read more about The DIAN Institute/INTERFIDEI’s 30th Anniversary Webinar Series (Series II)[…]

Virtual Symposium On The Human Trafficking Issue <Part 2>

**Registration For The 2nd Online Symposium Is Now Open!**Religions for Peace Asia (ACRP) is pleased to announce that Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network (APWoFN) and ACRP will hold the second virtual symposium on the Human Trafficking Issue on June 22 and 23, 2021, at noon (Japan Standard Time)Our first symposium focused on “The reality of Human Trafficking in Asia”, and all participants have learned the importance of addressing this issue in close cooperation with religious leaders and NGOs in various countries and the roles of religious leaders. (see the article)In the part 2 series of our seminar, we will be focusing on “The Women and Children of Asia Trapped in Modern-Day Slavery.”The International Read more about Virtual Symposium On The Human Trafficking Issue <Part 2>[…]

UPDATE: The Ninth General Assembly Schedule

Here is the latest information of The Ninth General Assembly of Asian Conference of Religions for Peace/ Religions for Peace Asia.The world is now facing an unprecedented crisis.COVID-19 has knocked the bottom out of our lifestyle. We must not overlook the worsening situation of discrimination and poverty that have arisen from this global crisis. We shall respect each other and pray for the safety and health of each other in times of crisis, but we tend to blame and hurt each other. Self-centered living is increasing discrimination and poverty in our world. The Ninth General Assembly, which was scheduled last year, will be held online in coming  October. It is a Read more about UPDATE: The Ninth General Assembly Schedule[…]

Announcement: ACRP launched new Working Group for the Human Trafficking Issue

It is a great honor to announce that ACRP newly launched the Working Group for the Human Trafficking Issue, one of the ACRP’s 5 Flagship Projects. Inauguration of the small working group was proposed at the first online symposium on the Human Trafficking Issues in January. (see also this article) To prevent the global spread of human trafficking, we learned the immediate need to launch a working group that takes the initiative in taking action. The group consists of 10 members from Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network (APWoFN), Asia and the Pacific Interfaith Youth (APIYN), RfP India, RfP Indonesia, RfP Japan, RfP Philippines and Tokyo Secretariat, with diversified religious backgrounds. On April 12th, Read more about Announcement: ACRP launched new Working Group for the Human Trafficking Issue[…]

Report: Human Trafficking Webinar in January

Stand up for protecting the Dignity of All Human Beings:Required Roles of Religious Leaders   On January 14 and 15, the Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network (APWoFN) held the first online symposium, titled “The Reality of Human Trafficking in Asia.” The purpose of the first seminar was to learn about the seriousness of human trafficking and raise awareness of eradicating critical criminal issues. A total of 220 people participated in the seminar. Human trafficking, categorized under modern slavery, is the recruitment, transportation, transference, harboring, or receipt of people through force, fraud, or deception to exploit them for profit. Men, women, and children of all ages and from all backgrounds can become victims of this Read more about Report: Human Trafficking Webinar in January[…]

[March 8th] Virtual International Women’s Day Celebration by RfP Philippines

Let’s celebrate women’s history month together!“Celebrate women’s achievements. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.”International Women’s Day is annually held on March 8 to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations. It is also known as the United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. International Women’s Day began in the early 1900s, and it has overcome gender issues and given many voices to the world.RfP Philippines will hold the Virtual International Women’s Day Celebration.Let’s celebrate the memorable Women’s Day together! Date/Time: Monday, 08 March 2021, 1:00 pm (Philippine Time) Theme:      “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”Register: world is Read more about [March 8th] Virtual International Women’s Day Celebration by RfP Philippines[…]

Religions for Peace International Statement on Unfolding Events in Myanmar

Religions for Peace International is in solidarity with the people of Myanmar. Just as this organisation, convening faith leaders and institutions for over half a century, prays together for the healing of this nation, it condemns any and all efforts which subvert the democratic will of its peoples.  In that vein, Religions for Peace International appeals to the military leadership for the immediate release of political detainees, the restoration of civilian governance, and the continued advancement of peace and reconciliation efforts in Myanmar.  Leaders of Religions for Peace Myanmar, from Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, and Muslim communities, have advanced the multi-religious collaborative aspirations of their country, through myriad joint actions for peace and reconciliation.   Religions for Peace International Co-President and the patron of Religions for Peace Myanmar, H.E. Cardinal Charles Bo, issued a statement on 25 January to reject Read more about Religions for Peace International Statement on Unfolding Events in Myanmar[…]

Message of Cardinal Charles Maung Bo to the People of Myanmar

My dear Friends, I write these lines as a spiritual leader, empathizing with the sentiments of millions of people at this moment. I write to my dear people, the civilian leaders, the Tatmadaw (Myanmar army), and the international community. I have watched with sadness the moments of darkness in our history and watched with hope the resilience of our people in their struggle for dignity. We are journeying through the most challenging times of our history.  I write with love towards all, seeking a durable solution, praying for an end forever to the periodic darkness that envelops our dear nation. 1.   To My Dearest People of Myanmar I share deep fellowship with all of you Read more about Message of Cardinal Charles Maung Bo to the People of Myanmar[…]