Religions for Peace International Statement on Unfolding Events in Myanmar

Religions for Peace International is in solidarity with the people of Myanmar. Just as this organisation, convening faith leaders and institutions for over half a century, prays together for the healing of this nation, it condemns any and all efforts which subvert the democratic will of its peoples.  In that vein, Religions for Peace International appeals to the military leadership for the immediate release of political detainees, the restoration of civilian governance, and the continued advancement of peace and reconciliation efforts in Myanmar.  Leaders of Religions for Peace Myanmar, from Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, and Muslim communities, have advanced the multi-religious collaborative aspirations of their country, through myriad joint actions for peace and reconciliation.   Religions for Peace International Co-President and the patron of Religions for Peace Myanmar, H.E. Cardinal Charles Bo, issued a statement on 25 January to reject Read more about Religions for Peace International Statement on Unfolding Events in Myanmar[…]

Message of Cardinal Charles Maung Bo to the People of Myanmar

My dear Friends, I write these lines as a spiritual leader, empathizing with the sentiments of millions of people at this moment. I write to my dear people, the civilian leaders, the Tatmadaw (Myanmar army), and the international community. I have watched with sadness the moments of darkness in our history and watched with hope the resilience of our people in their struggle for dignity. We are journeying through the most challenging times of our history.  I write with love towards all, seeking a durable solution, praying for an end forever to the periodic darkness that envelops our dear nation. 1.   To My Dearest People of Myanmar I share deep fellowship with all of you Read more about Message of Cardinal Charles Maung Bo to the People of Myanmar[…]

The Reality of Human Trafficking in Asia: A Virtual Summit

Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network (APWoFN), one of ACRP’s significant networks, will hold a webinar on Human Trafficking. The webinar’s title: “The Reality of Human Trafficking in Asia: A Virtual Summit”.Date and time: January 14-15, 2021 @ 12:00-14:30 (JAPAN TIME)Human Trafficking is such a global menace that it calls for faith-based organizations such as Religions forPeace Asia (ACRP) to take concerted efforts in raising public awareness with the hope that those in position to lead will take action in their communities.ACRP’s women leaders are uniting across the countries to fight for human trafficking. Please join us together!  Please access the following ZOOM link to register for the symposium. you Read more about The Reality of Human Trafficking in Asia: A Virtual Summit[…]

Symposium on Human Trafficking (2020.11.24)

Religions for Peace Japan will conduct an online symposium on the “Current Situation of Human Trafficking” on 24th November 2020, 14:00~17:00 (JST)They have launched the Taskforce Team to prevent and work on the issue from the perspectives of multi-faith communities since April 2020. RfP Japan takes this opportunity to learn from the experts on this crucial issue, raise public awareness, and consider concrete actions to combat human trafficking.Please access the following link to register for the symposium.Dates:24th November 2020, 14:00~17:00 (JST)Organizer: Religions for Peace Japan, Taskforce on Prevention of Human TraffickingVenue: ZOOM, Online SymposiumTheme: “Current Situation of Human Trafficking”Language: Japanese/ English (*simultaneous interpretation is available)Registration more information, please access to RfP Read more about Symposium on Human Trafficking (2020.11.24)[…]