Speech by Mr. David Horner, Secretary and Trustee of Religions for Peace UK, at the Webinar Hosted by CCRP in Oct. 2020
Mr.David HornerSecretary and Trustee of Religions for Peace UK Solidarity and Cooperation-Multi-Religious Response to COVID-19 and Shared Well-being Dear Friends,I am delighted and honored to be with all of you here today and my grateful thanks to the China Committee on Religion and Peace for arranging this important event and inviting me to speak to you.Firstly a brief word about Religions for Peace United Kingdom. We are a registered charity operating throughout the United Kingdom. We have no government funding and depend on gifts and donations. Our trustees and supporters represent all the major faith traditions of the United Kingdom – Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Zoroastrians, and other faiths. Britain Read more about Speech by Mr. David Horner, Secretary and Trustee of Religions for Peace UK, at the Webinar Hosted by CCRP in Oct. 2020[…]