Religions for Peace Asia is a dynamic Asian network working for world peace spreading from the Asia-Pacific region while respecting each other’s religions.
Since the 2021 Tokyo Governance Assembly, each chapter has been actively engaged in peace activities with its neighbors and in cooperation with domestic governments and NGO organizations. The achievements of their actions are reported at the annual ACRP Executive Council Meeting.
Among the activities, we have identified the ACRP Flagship Projects in April 2019, which are composed of five prioritized project areas: namely, 1) Prevention of Human Trafficking, 2) Education of the Dignity of Live, 3) Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation, 4) Development and Environment and 5) Advancement of Youth Leadership. The formulation of Flagship Projects was derived from the 11 specific recommendations for action, which are contained in the Incheon Assembly Declaration, adopted at the 8th Assembly of ACRP in 2014. Each of the five flagship projects is independent but interconnected and takes the initiative for peace.
(For more information on each project, please see the Flagship Project page here)
Here we would like to introduce you to each chapter’s activity report 2022.
01. Australia02. Bangladesh
03. Cambodia
coming soon
04. China05. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
coming soon
06. East Timor
coming soon
07. India08. Indonesia
09. Iraq
coming soon
10. JapanChapter Report Religions for Peace Japan
FY 2022 “Caring for our Common Future – Advancing Shared Well-Being”
11. KyrgyzstanFY 2022 “Caring for our Common Future – Advancing Shared Well-Being”
coming soon
12. Malaysia13. Mongolia
coming soon
14. Myanmar15. Nepal
National Report-Nepal 20221 | A Monk championing end of child marriage in Nepal | An interfaith journey of solidarity | Hitting the Streets to end child marriage in Nepal
16. New Zealand
coming soon
17. PakistanCC letter | CLIMATE CHANGE | Report on Flagship project | RfP Pakistan – Year Report | Smart Village
Emergency Flood Relief Flagship Project (VIDEO)
18. Philippines19. Republic of Korea
20. Singapore
coming soon
21. Sri LankaDonation of dry rations to pregnent women and mothers with a child
Report of dry-ration distribution in 5 villages in Medawachchiya and Vavniya
Report t of Coid-19 and donation
22. ThailandReport of dry-ration distribution in 5 villages in Medawachchiya and Vavniya
Report t of Coid-19 and donation
RfP Thailand Report (March-August 2022) | Full Narrative Report (Youth Digital Harmony for Peace) | Outline of curriculum (Youth Digital Harmony for Peace)
24. APWoFN
APWoFN 2022 (Online seminars) | APWoFN 2022 (Online seminars)-2