RfP India New Leadership

Congratulations! We are happy to introduce RfP India New Leadership 2021-2026! <President>                                        <Secretary-General>                                      <Treasure>                                    <Chair, Youth Wing>                                    <Chair, Women’s Network>                                      

Announcement: ACRP New Leadership

The ACRP Tokyo Assembly was held online from October 17 to 22, 2021. About 500 people from all over the world participated.During the assembly, the Governance Assembly approved the new leadership of ACRP!Please refer to each page for details.ACRPAsia & the Pacific Interfaith Youth NetworkAsia-Pacific Women of Faith Network

The Landing Page of the ACRP General Assembly

Asian Conference of Religions for Peace9th General Assembly will be held soon!~The landing page of the Assembly website is now available!~ https://system.expoline.jp/acrp/(The program schedule is on the Assembly Website)Registration for the Assembly will open on the website on September 2, 2021.Youth Pre-Assembly: October 17, 2021Women’s Pre-Assembly: October 18, 2021General Assembly: October 19-22, 2021

World Conference of Religions for Peace/India National Chapter Report (2015-2016)

India is a founder member of WCRP and ACRP. The source of our interest and commitment in multi-religious approach to finding solution to human problems springs from the age-old traditions and belief in “Sarva Dharma Smabhava” (Equal respect for all religions) – an ancient Hindu principle going back to the Vedic times. “Unity in Diversity” is India’s national creed. “Ahimsa Paramo Dharma” (Nonviolence is the Ultimate Righteousness) is yet another ancient exhortation, still reverberating and echoing the ethos of India. Respecting and upholding these civilizational values, our secular, democratic Constitution guarantees equal right to all religions. So, believers of all the world religions live together in India from ancient times to the present in relative harmony and flourish and progress without hitch or hindrance.
