From WCRP/RfP Japan to Prime Minister Kishida- A Recommendations for Hiroshima G7
On May 15, eight representatives of WCRP/RfP Japan, headed by Ven. Yoshiharu Tomatsu, the Chairperson of the interfaith group, met with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at his official residence in Tokyo. The religious leaders handed him a written recommendation for the G7 Summit meeting in Hiroshima. The recommendations, titled “Aiming for Sustainable Peace Guided by the Spirit of Hiroshima ,” was adopted at an event organized by WCRP/RfP Japan on May 10 in Hiroshima. “I would like to keep in mind the points of this proposal in substantial discussions (at the G7 Summit Meeting in Hiroshima),” Mr. Kishida said.WCRP/RfP Japan says the “Spirit of Hiroshima” is composed of a prayer Read more about From WCRP/RfP Japan to Prime Minister Kishida- A Recommendations for Hiroshima G7[…]