Inviting Applications for APIYN JumpStart Program

Inviting Applications for APIYN JumpStart Program: for Peace (RfP) Asia and the Pacific Interfaith Youth Network (APIYN) are pleased to announce that we are inviting applicants for APIYN Jumpstart Program.WHAT IS APIYN JUMPSTART PROGRAM?Religions for Peace (RfP) Asia and the Pacific Interfaith Youth Network (APIYN) aimed at empowering youth leaders and national chapters in the Asia and Pacific region. The program provides funding and training opportunities to kickstart community projects and initiatives that promote peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and interfaith dialogue.WHY SHOULD I APPLY FOR THE APIYN JUMPSTART PROGRAM?You should consider applying for the APIYN JumpStart Program for several compelling reasons:1. Funding Support: If you are selected, you will receive Read more about Inviting Applications for APIYN JumpStart Program[…]

Join Religions for Peace for “Guardians of the Rainforest: A Film Screening”

Religions for Peace is pleased to invite you to an in-person film screening of Guardians of the Rainforest, produced by award-winning filmmakers Ms. Lia Beltrami and Ms. Marianna Beltrami, with the support of Religions for Peace, a lead implementing partner of the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI), a United Nations-led global programme. The event will be held on Wednesday, 20 September from 11:00am – 12:30pm EST at 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017. Guardians of the Rainforest is a documentary supported by multi-religious efforts to highlight the vital work of Indigenous women who are speaking out for the protection of the tropical rainforests in Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Borneo. Join us for a film screening followed Read more about Join Religions for Peace for “Guardians of the Rainforest: A Film Screening”[…]

FPCC Regional Advisory Group Action Planning Workshop

Religions for Peace South Asia participated in the FPCC Regional Advisory Group Action Planning WorkshopColombo, Sri Lanka.  Religions for Peace Asia participated in the FPCC Regional Advisory Group (RAG)  3-day workshop on Faith Actors for Child Rights and Well-being:  Enhancing Collaboration and Positive Change for Adolescent Girls in South Asia from 13-15 August 2023.  The Faith for Positive Change for Children is a tripartite collaboration of Religions for Peace, Unicef, and Joint Learning Initiative.The FPCC is the fruit of the more than 3 decades of partnership between Unicef and Religions for Peace’ commitment from over 90 affiliate countries including women and youth interfaith to work and advance the well-being of Read more about FPCC Regional Advisory Group Action Planning Workshop[…]

FPCC Project: Child Advocates visited a Buddhist Temple

FPCC South Asia Regional Advisor Group celebrated with Esahal Perahera with Ven. Dr. Bellanwila Dhammaratana Nayaka TheraColombo, Sri Lanka. Religions for Peace Sri Lanka brought the FPCC Regional Advisory Group to Bellanwila Raja Maha Viharaya (Buddhist Temple) located at the outskirts of Colombo for a dialogue and culture experience.Ven. Dr. Bellanwila Dhammaratana Nayaka Thera, the Chief of the Temple warmly welcomed the FPCC Regional Advisory Group delegation emphasizing the significant role of religious leaders in influencing families and communities into a harmonious environment for children to grow successfully with dignity.Ven Dr. Bellanwila Dhammaratana Nayaka Thera is the brother of the late Ven. Prof. Bellanwila Wimalaratana Anu Nayaka Thera, the former chief of the Temple.  Read more about FPCC Project: Child Advocates visited a Buddhist Temple[…]

Engaging Youth in the Abolition of All Forms of Racism from a Faith Perspective to Achieve a Sustainable Future for All

Religions for Peace International invites you to a hybrid panel discussion on Engaging Youth in the Abolition of All Forms of Racism from a Faith Perspective to Achieve a Sustainable Future for All, co-organised by Religions for Peace, the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), and the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA). The side event will be held on the margins of the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 78) on Thursday, 21 September from 9:00AM – 11:00AM EDT at 777 United Nations Plaza, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10017, with the option to participate via Zoom.  (Check your regional time here)The primary objective of this panel discussion is to foster interfaith dialogue, promote Read more about Engaging Youth in the Abolition of All Forms of Racism from a Faith Perspective to Achieve a Sustainable Future for All[…]

2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago, USA

Religions for Peace is pleased to announce it will be participating in the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago, Illinois. From 14 – 18 August 2023, members of the Religions for Peace World Council, Religions for Peace International Youth Committee, religious leaders, women of faith, and others from our movement will be organising and participating in several panels, sessions, events, and workshops.  In addition, Religions for Peace is pleased to invite you to The Pen and the Sword event, organised in partnership with The Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion, University of Notre Dame, on 17 August at 1 PM CDT. At this event, Religions for Peace will present the Lifetime Service for Multi-Religious Peacebuilding award to recognise faith actors who have made vital contributions Read more about 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago, USA[…]

Religions for Peace Intern Spotlight

This summer, Religions for Peace had the opportunity to work with some amazing interns. We understand the value that interns bring to our organisation and we are grateful for their hard work and dedication. With that in mind, we want to showcase some of the brilliant interns we have had the pleasure of working with.#ReligionsforPeaceInternSpotlight: Meet Charlotte Long, our Chicago based Programmes Intern with Religions for Peace. Charlotte graduated from the University of Chicago this past June with a Master of Divinity concentrating on Global Christianity, Gender and International Development.If you or someone you know is interested in applying to be an intern with Religions for Peace for Fall 2023, Read more about Religions for Peace Intern Spotlight[…]

“Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind”

United Nation set every July 30th as “World Day Against Trafficking in Persons”Upon hearing “trafficking in persons” or “human trafficking,” some may think it is happening in a distant world and does not affect our lives.However, if there are “victim” countries, there are “perpetrator” countries, and we may be one of them.Human trafficking is caused by war, poverty, lack of educational opportunities, and poverty.2019 The ILO announced that child labor and trafficking remain critical concerns for global supply chains.According to target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it takes immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and secure the prohibition and elimination Read more about “Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind”[…]

Religions for Peace Australia will lead a Multifaith Prayer/Meditation event on Sunday, 6th August 2023.

This year marks the 78th years of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima and the end of World War II.August 6 is a significant day not only for the Hibakusha, their families and bereaved families, and the people living in Hiroshima, but also for those who wish for the abolition of nuclear weapons and international peace.However, there are still many people in the world suffering from conflicts. It is the role of religious leaders to listen to the voiceless and keep praying for the peace in our world.Through the prayer on August 6, faith leaders from various backgrounds will join their hearts in prayer for peace in the world.On this day Read more about Religions for Peace Australia will lead a Multifaith Prayer/Meditation event on Sunday, 6th August 2023.[…]