World Conference of Religions for Peace/India National Chapter Report (2015-2016)

India is a founder member of WCRP and ACRP. The source of our interest and commitment in multi-religious approach to finding solution to human problems springs from the age-old traditions and belief in “Sarva Dharma Smabhava” (Equal respect for all religions) – an ancient Hindu principle going back to the Vedic times. “Unity in Diversity” is India’s national creed. “Ahimsa Paramo Dharma” (Nonviolence is the Ultimate Righteousness) is yet another ancient exhortation, still reverberating and echoing the ethos of India. Respecting and upholding these civilizational values, our secular, democratic Constitution guarantees equal right to all religions. So, believers of all the world religions live together in India from ancient times to the present in relative harmony and flourish and progress without hitch or hindrance.


Annual Report: Malaysia 2015 – 2016

‘The roles of Religions for Peace Malaysia in 2015/2016’ is played through promulgation of peace education, peace dialogue and the globalization of peace culture in order to build and maintain unity and harmony in Malaysia as well as in other parts of Asia. The major objectives of Religions for Peace Malaysia in 2015/2016 has been to advance multi-religious action for the common good; to transform conflict, promote just and harmonious societies, advance human development, and protect the earth; and to publish multi-religious teaching and learning materials, and various research publications.

ACRP National Chapter Report RELIGIONS for PEACE AUSTRALIA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016

            This report for 2015 – 16 has been prepared for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Australian chapter of Religions for Peace in Canberra (June 19th) and for the annual executive meeting of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace in Seoul on 27th – 31st April, 2016. The past twelve months since the first historic AGM in Canberra for the first time outside Melbourne following its founding in Melbourne in the very early 1970s has been characterized by the further structural consolidation of the RfP Australia network and some very worthwhile activities. […]

RfP Myanmar Religious Leaders Visit Japan To Strengthen Partnership on Peacebuilding and Reconciliation

(April 8, 2016 | Tokyo, Japan) – Religious leaders in Religions for Peace Myanmar (RfP Myanmar), together with representatives of Ma Ba Tha (Association of the Protection of Race and Religion), visited Japan from 4-8 April 2016 to meet with the Japanese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, parliamentarians and religious leaders on partnerships to advance peace and democracy in Myanmar. […]

Religions for Peace Japan 2014-2015 Activities

Religions for Peace Japan
Report for 2014-2015 (August 2014 – June 2015)

Religions for Peace Japan has been actively involved in the domestic and international important issues through inter-religious network and in cooperation with other sectors.

This year, Religions for Peace Japan advanced our projects under the main theme of  “Prayer and Act for Shared Security” and with its sub-theme of “Supporting reconstruction of the East Japan Earthquake disaster as religious leaders,” “Questioning on nuclear energy and modern civilization,“ and “Pursuing dialogue and communication with religious leaders in East Asia and Middle East.”


Seoul, South Korea. – Around 70 Japanese and Korean youth participated in the 12th Religious Youth Camp Exchange with the theme “The role of Korea and Japan religious youth for promoting peace in East Asia” from 30th of January to 2nd of February 2016 held in Paju, Kyoung gi-do. The religious youth camp started in 1990 as an integral component of the collaborative effort between Korean Conference of Religions for Peace (KCRP) and World Conference of Religions for Peace-Japan (WCRP/Japan) to promote harmonious relationship between the Japanese and Korean people through youth inter-religious dialogue and peace-building activities.