9th General Assembly Information

1.IntroductionWith its 21 member nations comprising more than half of humanity, the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP), now generally known as Religions for Peace Asia, will hold its Ninth Asian Assembly in Tokyo in 19th-22nd October 2021 in online mode. It will be preceded by the Youth Pre-Assembly and the Women’s Pre-Assembly. Because of the unprecedented and ongoing crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the General Assembly has been delayed by a year and this year will have to be conducted virtually or online because of the uncertainties regarding travel, quarantines and vaccination roll-outs.The General Assembly may be preceded by the delayed and simplified 2020/21 Olympic Games, and Read more about 9th General Assembly Information[…]

Stories from the Multi-Religious Humanitarian Fund

On this World Refugee Day, Religions for Peace highlights its flagship Multi-Religious Humanitarian Fund and select success stories from the interfaith initiatives supported. From delivering emergency assistance to those affected by acute health crises, to offering vital relief and mental health services to refugees and internally displaced peoples, our lasting impact on those affected by humanitarian emergencies is far-reaching.

Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities Initiative- Gathering Stories (3)

Fr. Bento Neves Rodrigues:Providing a secure present and a promising future for the underprivileged children in Uttar Pradesh, IndiaEven with the number of laws for the protection of children in India, poverty, family conflicts and other challenges make difficult conditions for children in India. Children are victims and vulnerable to child poverty, child marriage, domestic violence, begging, forced labour, sexual violence, human trafficking and online exploitation.Deprived of their basic rights to development, protection, participation, and leisure, most of the ill-fated and abandoned children are forced to lead miserable lives.  It is against this backdrop that we encounter Fr. Agnel Balbhawan, a home for underprivileged children, in Uttar Pradesh, India.  Founded Read more about Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities Initiative- Gathering Stories (3)[…]

Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities Initiative- Gathering Stories (2)

Ven. Bhikku Sanghasena:  Planting seeds of hope in the desert land of LadakhPart – 2 The Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC), established by Ven. Bhikku Sanghasena in Ladakh has not lost sight of the primary goal of introducing Ladakhis to both the theory and practice of the Buddha’s teachings. In fact, the Dhamma or teachings is the foundation of the entire organization. Apart from all the humanitarian work undertaken by MIMC, Ven. Sanghasena also works in Nunneries where nuns and monks are given basic monastic spiritual training along with modern secular education.Ven. Sanghasena recognized the need to improve the status and impoverished living conditions of nuns in order to restore their Read more about Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities Initiative- Gathering Stories (2)[…]

Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities Initiative- Gathering Stories (1)

Ven. Bhikku Sanghasena:  Planting seeds of hope in the desert land of LadakhPart – IVenerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena, is a renowned religious leader of the Theravada Buddhist tradition and an esteemed member of Religions for Peace, India. He has been working relentlessly in the Himalayan mountainous region of Ladakh for the moral and spiritual development of the people residing in that area.In 1986, Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena founded the Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) which is 12 km from Leh city, nestled at an altitude of 3,500 meters (11,482.94 feet) above sea level, deep within the mighty Himalayan Mountains in Ladakh.  This region is a cold desert and its arid terrain experiences Read more about Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities Initiative- Gathering Stories (1)[…]

Ms. Minako Idei

Ms. Minako Idei (Japan, Buddhist)Ms.Minako Idei spent her school years in Hawaii, USA. She became interested in cross-cultural understanding and religious dialogue through the influence of friends she met there.After graduating from high school, she returned to Japan and graduated from university in three and a half years with a degree in English Language and Culture. In 2009, she started working for a Japanese travel agency.Since 2014, she has been working at Rissho Kosei-kai, and her first department to be assigned was Kosei Gakuen Girls’ High School, founded by Founder Nikkyou Niwano.From 2014 to 2019, Kosei Gakuen Girls High School was certified as a “Super Global High School” by the Read more about Ms. Minako Idei[…]

Mr. Tatsuya Yoshida

Mr. Tatsuya Yoshida (Japan, Buddhist)Mr. Tatsuya Yoshida studied linguistics at university and then went to Rissho Kosei-kai Gakurin Seminary.In 2006, he was seconded to WCRP Japan Committee.For the next seven years, he worked as a youth missionary, promoting Buddhist values education and activities for youth in urban and rural areas, as well as peace workshops in Japan and youth exchange between Japan and the Philippines.From 2015-2017, he interacted with grant-making foundations and national and international NGOs as a activity grant maker for the Niwano Peace Foundation. He then worked in the General Affairs Group of Rissho Kosei-kai before joining the ACRP Secretariat in 2019 as an accounting officer.Hobbies include mountain Read more about Mr. Tatsuya Yoshida[…]

Ms. Huma Ikramullah

Ms. Huma Ikramullah (Pakistan, Muslim)Ms. Huma Ikramullah is Associate Secretary General Religions for Peace Asia and Secretary-General of Religions for Peace Pakistan is an expert on Democracy, Governance, the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Parliamentary Strengthening, Master Trainer on Legislative Drafting, Climate Change/Environmental law, Adult learning ,Media Trainer, Advocate High Court , Lead Auditor, Faculty Member Sindh Judicial Academy and her work experience spans over 20 years of working with international donors and Government Organizations like GIZ, USAID, ADB, US Embassy, ILO, IUCN, Sindh Judicial Academy, NIPA, Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Affairs with experience of imparting training to Parliamentarians, Judges, Government officials, Civil society organizations, lawyers, law students, academia and Read more about Ms. Huma Ikramullah[…]

Dr. Susan Ennis

Dr. Susan Ennis (Australia, Protestant)For more than 40 years Susan Ennis has coordinated/taught English to newly arrived adult refugees/immigrants in Australia. She has also been involved in both a voluntary/paid capacity with the settlement of these groups and asylum seekers. In addition, she has taught English as a Second Language in Turkey, PRC, Cambodia and worked in Israel. In 2012 she obtained her PhD and later Palgrave published her book on Religion, Spirituality and the Refugee Experience based on her PhD. The motivation for her research and book were her long-held interest in religious/spiritual matters, her observations on the need for more understanding of refugees’ religious and/or spiritual experiences and Read more about Dr. Susan Ennis[…]