RfP Indonesia Activities during Covid-19, May 2020 – March 2021

RfP Indonesia shared with us wonderful activity reports.They carried out several special activities related to the Covid-19 pandemic situation.Please also check out more details about 3 activities! Click the pictures below and you can jump to the reports.1) The 100 Meal Packages Movement (Collaboration of Interfidei and MUKTI)2) Environmental Webinar PART I – II3) Youth Webinar Part I

A Narrative Report of RfP Multi-Religious Humanitarian Support Fund- COVID-19 Response

On April, Religions for Peace (RfP) launched the Multi-religious Humanitarian Fund (MRHF)  in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.This project is currently financing 20 projects in 20 countries. From ACRP National Chapters, RfP Myanmar and Philippines were nominated as MRHF project.RfP International, through this Fund, will provide a small seed grant to those Inter-religious Councils (IRC) and multi-religious networks who are able to propose programs aimed at enhancing awareness about precautionary measures, supporting vulnerable households, combating discrimination in speech as well as actions, and serving the needs of the most vulnerable individuals and communities. The inter-religious platforms who will be awarded this will have a track record of collaboration, and/or humanitarian relief provision.(https://rfp.org/rfp-launches-the-multi-religious-humanitarian-fund-in-response-to-covid-19/)Here is Read more about A Narrative Report of RfP Multi-Religious Humanitarian Support Fund- COVID-19 Response[…]

The Strength of A Person, The Power of Community

Religions for Peace (RfP) International recently launched the “Multi-religious Humanitarian Fund” in response to COVID-19. The Fund will provide seed money for inter-religious projects focusing on serving humanitarian needs.For more information, please visit RfP International website! >>> Multi-religious Humanitarian Fund                                                                                         Show Your Care, Give your Care

Message from ACRP Secretary-General on COVID-19 Pandemic

Message on COVID-19 PandemicApril 22, 2020Dear brothers and sisters, all my friends,At present, humanity is facing the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The momentum of the pandemic is ever-growing, and the number of infected people is still on the rise.Each national chapter of ACRP is doing the utmost to play a crucial role of the religious community in each locality and country while endeavoring to prevent the further expansion of infection by following the policy of the respective government.For enabling all living beings to protect themselves from the threat of COVID-19 infection, we people of religion and faith, as a religious community and as an individual, live and behave everyday Read more about Message from ACRP Secretary-General on COVID-19 Pandemic[…]

ACRP Families’ action against COVID-19 -message, action and statement-

Let us share our ACRP leaders’ actions, messages and statements against COVID-19.It is essential that ACRP families share their stories  and action of religious and multi-religious efforts responding to the crisis.Now is the time for us to pray together as one team to overcome this crisis.*RfP Australia*China Committee on Religion and Peace*RfP India*RfP Indonesia*RfP Japan*RfP Myanmar*RfP Pakistan*RfP Philippines*RfP Philippines YOUTH COMMITTEE *RfP Sri Lanka<a href=”http://www.freepik.com”>Designed by Freepik</a>