Announcement: The Second Tokyo Peace Roundtable hosted by RfP International, RfP Japan and UNAOC

Religions for Peace International and Religions for Peace Japan, with the support of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) will convene diverse religious and faith leaders and actors, policymakers, and experts for the second Multi-Religious Peace Roundtable from 19-21 February 2024 in Tokyo, Japan.REGISTRATION

Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Action Award Winners

Religions for Peace  is delighted to announce the winners of the highly anticipated inaugural Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Action Award, recognising and honouring exceptional diverse women of faith who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in advancing gender equality and fostering interfaith cooperation in their communities and beyond. The winners of the inaugural Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Action Award are: Dr. Kezevino Aram, Co-Moderator, Religions for Peace; President, Shanti Ashram; Professor Dr. Nayla Tabbara, Co-President, Religions for Peace; Co-Founder, Adyan Foundation; and, Rev. Sr. Agatha Ogochukwu Chikelue, Chair, Religions for Peace International Women’s Coordinating Committee (IWCC); Executive Director, Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace (COFP), Nun of the Daughters of Mother Mary of Mercy.READ MORE

Ms. Deepika Singh, Deputy Secretary General of Religions for Peace International presented at FPCC Stocktaking Meeting

Ms. Deepika Singh, Deputy Secretary General of Religions for Peace International presented to the partners and FBOs the historical timeline of the Faith for Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities (FPCC) during the Five-year Stocktaking and Partnership Review Forum on January 16, 2024.Ms. Deepika traces the long standing partnership between Religions for Peace and Unicef in advocating and working for the rights and welfare of children. She emphasized that the multi-faith collaboration, which is the very nature of Religions for Peace, bringing together different religions to work for common action, has been the key element in sustaining the partnership for a high positive impact to the wellbeing of children Read more about Ms. Deepika Singh, Deputy Secretary General of Religions for Peace International presented at FPCC Stocktaking Meeting[…]

IMPORTANT: Religions for Peace Executive Committee Announces the Appointment of Ms. Deepika Singh as Deputy Secretary General

The Religions for Peace International Executive Committee announces the appointment of Ms. Deepika Singh as Deputy Secretary General. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Religions for Peace International Executive Committee announces the appointment of Ms. Deepika SINGH as Deputy Secretary General effective immediately. The Executive Committee voted unanimously on Ms. Singh’s appointment during its Extraordinary Meeting held virtually on 12 January 2024.Ms. Singh served most recently as the Associate Secretary General and Director of Programmes of Religions for Peace, where she directs overall programme strategy and related implementation and monitoring.Ms. Singh’s commitment to multi-religious action is rooted in decades of experience leading public health initiatives in the developing world, peacebuilding and reconciliation, and sustainable development globally. She Read more about IMPORTANT: Religions for Peace Executive Committee Announces the Appointment of Ms. Deepika Singh as Deputy Secretary General[…]

Religions for Peace in the FPCC Stocktaking Meeting

Nairobi, Kenya.  Religions for Peace, UNICEF and other key partners such as the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities and various faith-based organizations are having a review and assessment meeting on the progress and achievements of the first-five years of the Faith for Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities (FPCC) initiative at the Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club from January 16-17, 2024.The aim of the meeting is to understand the changes and emerging situations, issues, and challenges in order to recalibrate priorities. It is hoped that the meeting will contribute to making the FPCC more effective as a faith engagement mechanism in responding and addressing the Read more about Religions for Peace in the FPCC Stocktaking Meeting[…]

10th Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations in International Affairs

Join Religions for Peace and partners for the 10th Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations in International Affairs, focusing on “Human Rights and Dignity: Towards a Just, Peaceable and Inclusive Future.”The 2024 Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs marks a significant milestone as it celebrates its tenth anniversary. A decade ago, faith-based partners initiated this symposium, which coincided with Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday and aimed at fostering dialogue on the intricate interplay between religion and international affairs. With a deliberate inclusion of UN member states and entities, the symposium sought to create a platform for collaborative policymaking and constructive engagement. Read more about 10th Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations in International Affairs[…]

Faithful Peace: Why the Journey to Build Resilience is Multi-Religious

Religions for Peace and its Standing Commission on Interreligious Education are proud to launch our latest publication, Faithful Peace: Why the Journey to Build Resilience is Multi-Religious.With Christian, Hindu, Indigenous, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh theologies, perspectives, and insights, this brilliant and enlightening piece of work explores the importance of multi-religious engagement and why this effort to bring people of all faiths and traditions together, can and does create a more peaceful world.Prof. Azza Karam, former Secretary General of Religions for Peace and Editor-in-Chief, as well as Programme Officer of Partnerships and Interreligious Education, Dr. Karen Leslie Hernandez and Editor of this publication, invite you to read, learn, think, and thrive in these multi-religious viewpoints from Read more about Faithful Peace: Why the Journey to Build Resilience is Multi-Religious[…]

RfP South Asia attending Mind-Heart Dialogue Training

Delegates of Religions for Peace Asia from the South Asia region are participating in the week-long Mind-Heart Dialogue Training in Kathmandu, Nepal from November 27 to December 1, 2023.The Mind-Heart Dialogue is one of the key strategies in implementing the Faith and Positive Change for Children, families and communities initiative (FPCC), a global partnership with Unicef, which aims to move beyond single-sector, small-scale, ad-hoc and sometimes instrumentalist approaches of faith engagement in development and humanitarian work.Mind-Heart Dialogue is an evidence-based reflective and experiential process, exploring faith convictions, lived experiences and knowledge to influence positive social and behaviour change.  It supports faith groups and development partners to work together to protect and Read more about RfP South Asia attending Mind-Heart Dialogue Training[…]

Interfaith Responses to Gender-Based Violence: A Fireside Chat

Advancing gender equality is one of the thematic areas of Religions for Peace. It is against this backdrop that we invite you our upcoming event Interfaith Responses to Gender-based Violence: A Fireside Chat, which will engage several Religions for Peace leaders, by diving deeper into the topic of engaging multi-religiously and multi-collaboratively to advance women’s dignity and address gender-based violence.

The Role of Strategic Partnership between Faith Actors and ICAN in Universalizing the TPNW for Sustainable Peace, Justice, and Development

Organised by Religions for Peace, the African Council of Religious Leaders-Religions for Peace, and ICAN, this side event aims to foster a holistic understanding of how faith communities and ICAN can collborate to advance the TPNW and through many topics, speakers will explore the correlation of interfaith mechanisms and disarmament advocacy.