Announce an Achievement of Religions for Peace

Religions for Peace to Be Awarded the European Culture Prize on Friday, October 1st.~~The European Cultural Foundation Pro Europa awarded the European Culture Prize~~Religions for Peace, as a Faith-Based Organization, has been working hand in hand with people of different religions for world peace.It is pleased to announce that we received a highly distinguished     Pro Humanitate (Humanitarian) prize for the extraordinary work in service of humanity, led by Secretary-General, Dr. Azza Karam.The award winners this year are more international than ever. TV presenter and three-time Echo Klassik award winner Malte Arkona will be hosting the gala and international musicians were responsible for the program. This day became a memorable Read more about Announce an Achievement of Religions for Peace[…]

The Landing Page of the ACRP General Assembly

Asian Conference of Religions for Peace9th General Assembly will be held soon!~The landing page of the Assembly website is now available!~ program schedule is on the Assembly Website)Registration for the Assembly will open on the website on September 2, 2021.Youth Pre-Assembly: October 17, 2021Women’s Pre-Assembly: October 18, 2021General Assembly: October 19-22, 2021

Religions for Peace Calls all Parties to Choose, Peace, Dialogue, &Democracy

Statement of Religions for Peace International on the Crisis in HaitiMarch 9, 2021Religions for Peace International, representing leaders of the world’s diverse faith traditions and affiliated Interreligious Councils in 90 countries in six continents, expresses its deep concern at the escalation of political unrest that is generating more suffering for the people of Haiti. We appeal to all parties to cease violence and inflammatory rhetoric, to establish an inclusive, open, and respectful space of dialogue, and to find a peaceful solution favorable to the dignity and well-being of the Haitian people, who have long been plagued by poverty, conflicts, and political crises. In solidarity with Religions for Peace Haiti, (Religions pour la Paix Haiti) Read more about Religions for Peace Calls all Parties to Choose, Peace, Dialogue, &Democracy[…]

An Urgent Appeal for Dialogue, Peace, and Security in Ethiopia

9 March 2021Religions for Peace International, consisting of leaders from the world’s diverse faith traditions and with affiliated national and regional bodies in 90 countries in six continents, expresses its deep concern regarding the reports of increased violence in Tigray, specifically in the holy city of Axum. Although the details are unclear, the situation for many is becoming dire, as millions are deprived of food, water, shelter, and medicine. On behalf of all its regional and national entities, Religions for Peace International calls for: An immediate cessation of violence from all parties and stakeholders throughout the Tigray region and the entire country,Immediate access for humanitarian assistance,Compassionate responses to all parties of the conflict, Read more about An Urgent Appeal for Dialogue, Peace, and Security in Ethiopia[…]

Religions for Peace International Statement on Unfolding Events in Myanmar

Religions for Peace International is in solidarity with the people of Myanmar. Just as this organisation, convening faith leaders and institutions for over half a century, prays together for the healing of this nation, it condemns any and all efforts which subvert the democratic will of its peoples.  In that vein, Religions for Peace International appeals to the military leadership for the immediate release of political detainees, the restoration of civilian governance, and the continued advancement of peace and reconciliation efforts in Myanmar.  Leaders of Religions for Peace Myanmar, from Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, and Muslim communities, have advanced the multi-religious collaborative aspirations of their country, through myriad joint actions for peace and reconciliation.   Religions for Peace International Co-President and the patron of Religions for Peace Myanmar, H.E. Cardinal Charles Bo, issued a statement on 25 January to reject Read more about Religions for Peace International Statement on Unfolding Events in Myanmar[…]

Message of Cardinal Charles Maung Bo to the People of Myanmar

My dear Friends, I write these lines as a spiritual leader, empathizing with the sentiments of millions of people at this moment. I write to my dear people, the civilian leaders, the Tatmadaw (Myanmar army), and the international community. I have watched with sadness the moments of darkness in our history and watched with hope the resilience of our people in their struggle for dignity. We are journeying through the most challenging times of our history.  I write with love towards all, seeking a durable solution, praying for an end forever to the periodic darkness that envelops our dear nation. 1.   To My Dearest People of Myanmar I share deep fellowship with all of you Read more about Message of Cardinal Charles Maung Bo to the People of Myanmar[…]

Speech by Mr. Essan Secundar, President of Religions for Peace Belgium, at the Webinar Hosted by CCRP in Oct. 202

Mr.Essan SecundarPresident of Religions for Peace BelgiumRespected Chair of Development and Environment committee of ACRP,Respected President of CCRP, board members of CCRP, respected representatives, and Friends.Greetings from Religions for peace Belgium.Thank you very much to give me the opportunity to say a few words during this Webinar, which is very important to share our experiences of how interfaith unity playing a crucial role, controlling the pandemic of Covid-19.Religions for Peace Belgium is working regularly with different religious responsible to know how they are organizing their religious activities during the pandemic and also informing their followers, providing vital information and other measures to protect themselves and their families by following guidance Read more about Speech by Mr. Essan Secundar, President of Religions for Peace Belgium, at the Webinar Hosted by CCRP in Oct. 202[…]