June 7, 2019

Current Leaders

Office-Bearers and Honorary Presidents​
(SinceTokyo Assembly)

*Honorary President

  • The Most Rev. Nichiko Niwano (Japan, Buddhist)  Profile

  • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Sirajuddin Syamsuddin (Republic of Indonesia, Muslim)  Profile

  • Dr. Sung Gon Kim (Republic of Korea, Won-Buddhist)


    • Dr. Deepali Bhanot (India, Hindus) ​*EC  Profile

    • Dr. Ahmad Suaedy (Republic of Indonesia, Muslim)*EC  Profile

    • The Most Ven. Gijun Sugitani (Japan, Buddhist)*EC  Profile

    • Rev. Jong Su Choe (Republic of Korea)*EC

    • Rev. A. Elga Sarapung (Republic of Indonesia, Protestant)  *EC   (an ex-officio member (APWoFN)​)  Profile


      • Rev. Dr. Yoshinori Shinohara (Japan, Buddhist) *EC  Profile


      • Prof. Desmond Cahill. O.A.M. (Australia, Roman Catholic) *EC  Profile

      *Deputy Moderator

      • Mr. Deng Zongliang (People’s Republic of China, Roman Catholic) *EC   Profile


      • Rev. Tae Sung KIM (South Korea, Won-Buddhist) *EC Profile

      National Chapter Members for Executive Council
      and Governance Assembly (Since Tokyo Assembly)

      ※EC=Executive Council member, GA=Governance Assembly member


      ● Prof. Desmond Cahill. O.A.M. (Roman Catholic) *EC/GA  Profile
      ● Dr. Susan Ennis (Protestant) *GA  Profile
      ● Ms. Philippa Rowland (Buddhist) *GA  Profile
      ● Ms. Therese Sussmilch (Brahma Kumaris) *GA

      People’s Republic of Bangladesh

      ● Principal Sukomal Barua (Buddhist) *EC/GA Profile
      ● Prof. Dr. NHM Abu Bakar (Muslim) *EC/GA Profile
      ● Prof. Ranajit Kumar Dey *GA 
      ● Prof. (Rtd.) Rashida Khanam Ph.D. (Muslim)  *GA Profile
      ● Mr. Dilip Barua *GA
      ● Mr. Ambrose Gomes *GA
      ● Mr. Md. Yachin *GA
      ● Rev. Kanchan Barua (Buddhist) *GA

      Kingdom of Cambodia

      ● Ven. Dr. Yon Seng Yeath (Buddhist) *GA
      ● Mr. Oeun Sam Art (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Mr. Yi Thon (Buddhist) *GA
      ● Father Un Son (Roman Catholic)

      People’s Republic of China

      ● Mr. Deng Zongliang (Roman Catholic) *EC/GA
      ● Master Ven. Yanjue (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Ven. Li Guangfu (Taoist) *EC/GA
      ● Imam Yang Faming (Muslim) *EC/GA
      ● Rev. Fang Xingyao (Roman Catholic) *EC/GA
      ● Rev. Xu Xiaohong(Protestant) *EC/GA
      ● Mr. Lacan (Tibetan Buddhist)
      ● Panchen Erdeni Choskyi Gyalpo (Tibetan Buddhist) *GA
      ● Ven. Zhang Gaocheng *GA
      ● Mr. Adilijiang Ajikelimu (Muslim)*GA
      ● Rev. Shen Bin *GA
      ● Ms. Gao Ye (Taoist) *GA


      ● Father Bento Neves Rodrigues (Christian) *EC/GA
      ● Mr. Narayanapillai Vasudevan (Hindus) *EC/GA
      ● Dr. Deepali Bhanot (Hindus) *EC/GA
      ● Mr. Abdul Mabood (Muslim) *EC/GA
      ● Mr. Ezekiel Isaac Malekar (Jewish) *EC/GA
      ● Swami Atmapriyananda (Hindus) *GA
      ● Dr. Anitha Ajith (Hindus) *GA
      ● Dr. Sujeet Kumar Dubey(Hindus) *GA
      ● Dr. M.D. Thomas (Christian) *GA
      ● Representative of Shri Sugunendra Theetha Swamiji *GB (Name will be given later.)
      ● Mr. Iqbal Asif (Muslim) *GA
      ● Dr. Karuna Sagari Venkatachalam (Hindu)  *GA

      Republic of Indonesia

      ● Prof. Mohammad Machasin Syamsudin (Muslim) *EC/GA
      ● Father Johannes Hariyanto, SJ (Roman Catholic) *EC/GA
      ● Prof. Philip Kuntjoro Widjaja (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Rev. A. Elga Joan Sarapung (Protestant) *EC/GA
      ● Mrs. Dewi Kanti Setianingsih *GA
      ● Dr. Chandra Setiawan, Ph.D. *GA
      ● Prof. Dr. Nyoman Kertia *GA
      ● Prof. Dr. Musdah Mulia  *GA
      ● Rev. Dr. Mery L. Y. Kolimon (Christian) *GA
      ● Mr. Rudy Soraya *GA

      Republic of Iraq

      ● (To be nominated *EC/GA)
      ● (To be nominated *GA)
      ● (To be nominated *GA)
      ● (To be nominated *GA)


      ● Rev. Keiji Kunitomi(Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Rev. Munemichi Kurozumi (Shinto) *EC/GA
      ● Dr. Kathy Matsui (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Ven. Gijun Sugitani(Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Rev. Yoshiharu Tomatsu (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Rev. Mitsuo Miyake (Shinto) *GA
      ● Ven. Eigen Onishi(Buddhist) *GA
      ● Rev. Megumi Wada(Buddhist) *GA

      Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

      ● (To be nominated *EC/GA)
      ● (To be nominated *GA)
      ● (To be nominated *GA)
      ● (To be nominated *GA)

      Republic of Korea

      ● Rev. Beom Gyu Seo (Protestant) *EC/GA
      ● Ven. Do Shim (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Rev. Myung Ah Lee (Won-Buddhism)  *EC/GA
      ● Ms. Mi Ae Lee (Chundogyo)  *EC/GA
      ● Mr. Young Sun Kim (Catholic) *EC/GA
      ● Dr. Jaehoon Han (Korean Native Religion) *GA

       Kyrgyz Republic

      ● Ms. Jamby Djusubalieva (Muslim, sufi) *EC/GA
      ● Mr. Vladislav Heo (Buddhist) *GA


      ● Dr. Poey Tiang Peow (Buddhism) *EC/GA
      ● Muhammad Afifi  (Muslim) *GA
      ● Pearly Chan Poh Yee (Taoist) *GA
      ● Sheila Chakrabarty  *GA


      ● Ven. Dr. Tumeekhuu Bulgan (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Dr. Lhagvademchig Jadamba  *GA

      Republic of the Union of Myanmar

      ● Al Haj Kalifah U Aye Lwin (Muslim) *EC/GA
      ● Mr. U Myint Swe (Buddhist) *GA
      ● Dr. Hla Tun (Hindus) *GA
      ● Father George Shwe Htun (Roman Catholic) *GA
      ● Daw Yin Yin Maw (Protestant) *GA
      ● Rev. Mahn Palmerston (Myanmar Council of Churches) *GA

      Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

      ● Mrs. Indira Manandhar (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Mr. Lokmaya Golcha (Jains)  *GA
      ● Mrs. Pooja Manandhar (Hindus)  *GA
      ● Mr. Narendra Pandey (Baha’i)  *GA

      New Zealand

      ● Emeritus Prof. Paul Morris (Jewish) *EC/GA
      ● Dr. Pushapa Wood (Hindus) *GA

      Islamic Republic of Pakistan

      ● Mr. Khalid Nawaz Khan Marwat (Muslim) *EC/GA
      ● Ms. Huma Ikramullah Kashif (Muslim) *EC/G
      ● Ms, Valentina.P.F. Gomes (Catholic)*EC
      ● Mr. Muhammad Hanif Khan (Muslim) *GA
      ● Mrs. Seemi Ikuramullah Khan (Muslim) *GA
      ● Ms. Danishamand (Muslim)  *GA
      ● Mr. Nadeem Jillani (Muslim) *GA
      ● Ms. Asfa Khan (Muslim) *GA
      ● Mr. Mahmood Kakar (Muslim) *GA
      ● Ms. Leena Samuel (Christian)  *GA
      ● Mr. Salman Khan (Muslim) *GA

      Republic of the Philippines

      ● Dr. Lilian J. Sison (Roman Catholic) *EC/GA
      ● Father Carlos Reyes (Roman Catholic)*EC/GA
      ● Hadia Lourdes Mastura (Muslim) *GA
      ● Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, DD (Roman Catholic)  *GA
      ● Imam Ebra Moxsir (Muslim) *GA
      ● Father Filemon Dela Cruz, Jr. OP (Roman Catholic) *GA
      ● Ms.Haidi Flores-Fajardo (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) *GA
      ● Dr. Pablito Baybado Jr. (Roman Catholic) *GA


      ● (To be nominated *EC/GA)
      ● (To be nominated *GA)

      Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

      ● Rev. Dr. Wadinagala Pannaloka (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Bishop Valence Mendice (Christian) *EC/GA
      ● Ven. Bellanwila Pamarathana (Buddhist) *GA
      ● Miss Cristabel Saverimuttu (Roman Catholic) *GA

      Kingdom of Thailand

      ● Ms. Kanchana B. Soonsawad (Buddhist) *EC/GA
      ● Prof. Kirti Bunchua *EC/GA
      ● Dr. Niracharapa Tongdhamachart (Buddhist) *GA
      ● Dr. Suphatmet Yunyasit (Buddhist) *GA
      ● Associate Prof. Dr. Ismail Lutfi Japakiya *GA
      ● Bishop Joseph Chusak Sirisut (Roman Catholic) *GA

      Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

      ● (To be nominated *EC/GA)
      ● (To be nominated *GA)

      ● From Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network 
      Rev. A. Elga Joan Sarapung (Indonesia, Chair of APWoFN) *EC Profile

      ● From Asia & the Pacific Interfaith Youth Network
      Dr. Renz Christian Argao (Philippines, Moderator of APIYN) *EC Profile | Video

      ※The moderator, the Deputy Moderator, Secretary-General, Co-Presidents, the Chair of APWoFN(Women’s Network) and APIYN (Youth Network), and the elected members become EC members in accordance with the Constitution.