Invitation: Asia Pacific Wome of Faith Network Climate Change Seminar
As Women of Faith from the Asia Pacific region, we are increasingly aware of the serious threat thatescalating climate change poses to our families, communities, and countries. Our concept is to shareideas, hopes, and practical proposals that will enable us to make beneficial contributions aligned with our faiths.Please Download Today’s Agenda HereRegistration Link: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 from 2:00 pm-4:30 pm (Japan Standard Time) (Click Here for Your Local Time)<MC>Dr. Yin Yin Maw (Secretary-General of Religions for Peace Myanmar)<Speakers (Listed in order of presentation)>[Pre-Session] Ms. Huma Ikramullah (Secretary-General of RfP Pakistan)Moderator by Daw Yin Yin Maw (Secretary-General of Religions for Peace Myanmar)[Session 1] Rev. James Bhagwan (Recording) : Keynote Read more about Invitation: Asia Pacific Wome of Faith Network Climate Change Seminar[…]