On June 17th, INTERFIDEI successfully holds the third of their 30th Anniversary Webinar Series.Now they invite you all to the 30th Anniversary on the Forth Webinar Series titled,
*Sharing experiences and reflections with friends of DIAN Institute/Interfidei from friends in the international. What useful lessons are there to deal with and responds are there to deal with and respond to the “presents” which lead to a good positive future together for peace world?*
We have all seen the changes in the global political map that have an effect on the dynamics of human life in all parts of the world, from the way we think, our conscience, attitudes, and behavior towards a life with our fellow humans and our place in the universe to the lifestyle of all generations. Everything has undergone many changes, some tending to be destructive, inhumane, violent, unfriendly to nature, and even deadly.
However, everywhere, we can still see, hear, read and follow the people, citizens, individuals and groups, government elites, public leaders of society including religious leaders, academics in the education sphere, the critical, the aware, those with hope and optimism and the sincere, honest and just who continually work actively, tireless and strive for the good of quickening life together with other human beings regardless of differences, and the universe. We are grateful that the experiences during the pandemic have also given meaningful lessons to all of us, of how important it is to live in peace with simplicity and sincerity, with the honesty of thoughts, conscience, and behavior for peace in our countries and the world to be as “one home”.
This year, as Interfidei enters its 30th year – an event that we never imagined possible at its inception-we continue our commitment to bring together different peoples, to spread and practice peace in peaceful, civilized, and humane ways.
In this 4th Webinar series, which is the last of the webinar series held for the 30th anniversary of the DIAN Institute/Interfidei which falls on 10th August 2021, we invite you, friends, and acquaintances of the DIAN Institute/Interfidei to attend the event and listen to the experiences
and reflections from Friends of the DIAN Institute/Interfidei in the International network about “What are valuable lessons in facing and living in the “present” for a positive future for the benefit of a life together in peace?”

13.00 PM (England)

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Meeting ID: 834 0472 5180
Passcode: hutdian30
Language: Indonesian and English interpreters are available

1) Prof. Dr. Azza Karam (Secretary-General of Religions for Peace International, New York, USA),
2) Robert W. Hefner (Professor of Anthropology, Director of the Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, Boston University, USA),
3) Josien Slob-Folbert (Interfaith Worker in the Netherlands),
4) Yehuda Stolov (Executive Director of Interfaith Encounter Association (IEA), Jerusalem, Israel),
5) Philbert Aganyo (Chairperson of Kenya Interfaith Youth Network, Nairobi),
6) Nicholas Adams (Professor of Philosophical Theology, University of Birmingham, England),
7) Roberto Catalano (Co-Director of the International Office for Interreligious Dialogue of the Focolare Movement in Rome, Italy),
8) Sumanto Al-Qurtuby (Professor of Anthropology in King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia),
9) Nelly van Doorn-Harder (Professor at the Center of Islamic Theology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands),
10) Rev. A. Elga J. Sarapung (Director of DIAN Institute/Interfidei)

Prof. Syafa’atun Almirzanah, Ph.D., D.Min (Professor of Religious Studies, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

May We All Be Healthy And Always Long To Be Actors
In Creating A Peaceful Life And Coexistence.