Religions for Peace Asia is pleased to share one of the great achievement on climate change project, done by Religions for Peace Pakistan.
Religions for Peace Pakistan and Rotary International District 3271 have long been collaborating in peace efforts in Pakistan.
One of their many accomplishments is the Smart Village Project.
Our Secretary-General of Religions for Peace Asia, Rev. Dr. Yoshinori Shinohara and Special Advisor of Religions for Peace Asia, Rev. Dr. Nobuhiro Nemoto visited the village last December.
RAM NAGAR AND JeJa Nagar in Tando Allayar Visit of ECO VILLAGE Visit of Secretary General Religions for Peace Asia Rev. Dr. Yoshinori Shinohara and Special Advisor Religions for Peace Asia Rev. Dr. Nobuhiro Nemoto in fully built Sindh Smart Eco Village which is Zero Carbon for flood effected people by the Climate Carnage caused in 2022 in Pakistan. It has been built with the help of donations from Rotary , donors and also Religions for Peace Pakistan is contributing a little in it under the leadership of Vice President of Religions for Peace Pakistan Muhammad Hanif Khan and Secretary General Huma Ikramullah. The houses are being built my using bamboo and mud bricks. Inorder to provide means of income the flood effected people are building their own homes and this has instilled a sense of ownership to them and also provided them with income.
The people here are Hindus nearly over 2000 people are living so first preference is being given to humanity most effected first. Place of worship , hospital , community centre all are being built. Special focus is being to the well being of children and a school and vocational training centre has been built .The people are registered and extremely poor . Each house for one family of 8 to 10 people cost 500 dollars and we request people to contribute towards it. Visit was organised by Religions for Peace Pakistan for more smart villages as there is a dire need . Each village has 100 houses .
They also visited Samaro Sindh Smart Eco Village which is Zero Carbon for flood effected people by the Climate Carnage caused in 2022 in Pakistan. The Smart Village in Samaro is being built on land donated by Mr Shakeel Kaimkhani the District Governor of Rotary International District 3271 for 2025-2026 . It is being built with the help of donations from Rotary and also Religions for Peace Pakistan is contributing a little in it under the leadership of Vice President of Religions for Peace Pakistan Muhammad Hanif Khan and Secretary General Huma Ikramullah. The houses are being built my using bamboo and mud bricks. Inorder to provide means of income the flood effected people are building their own homes and this has instilled a sense of ownership to them and also provided them with income. Then the people are mostly Hindu and Muslim so first preference is being given to humanity most effected first. Place of worship , hospital , community centre all are being built. The lunch and visit in Samaro was hosted by Mr Shakeel Kaimkhani. Special focus is being to the well being of children and a school and vocational training centre is also being build.The people are registered and extremely poor . Each house for one family of 8 to 10 people cost 500 dollars and we request people to contribute towards it. Visit was organised by Religions for Peace Pakistan.
Each National chapter of Religions for Peace Asia are conducting outstanding peace activities in their respective countries. There achievement are widely spreading to the world.
We will continue to carry on the wish for peace that has been passed down from our predecessors and strive to bring peace to the world.
Religions for Peace Pakistan and Rotary International District 3271 have long been collaborating in peace efforts in Pakistan.
One of their many accomplishments is the Smart Village Project.
Our Secretary-General of Religions for Peace Asia, Rev. Dr. Yoshinori Shinohara and Special Advisor of Religions for Peace Asia, Rev. Dr. Nobuhiro Nemoto visited the village last December.

Each National chapter of Religions for Peace Asia are conducting outstanding peace activities in their respective countries. There achievement are widely spreading to the world.
We will continue to carry on the wish for peace that has been passed down from our predecessors and strive to bring peace to the world.