New Chair!!!
Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network
Rev. A. Elga Joan Sarapung

She took an Ecumenical Study on “Gospel and Culture” at Ecumenical Institute, Bossey, Switzerland (1986-1987).
In 1990/1991 she took a Master’s Degree at the Theological Faculty University of Groningen, The Netherlands, (Ecumenical study and Missiology).
Since 1997, she has been being a facilitator in various training “Managing and Means Diversity in Indonesia, and also serving as a resource person in various forums on the issue: “Diversity in Religion and Ethnicity”, “Religions for Peace”, “Human Rights (especially on FoRB issue)”, “Democracy”, “Peace Education”, etc., local, national and international.
She became an “expert” in the Partnership program of the Churches in Indonesia and Protestant Churches in the Netherlands, specifically for Interfaith working group (2010-2014), and “expert” in the interfaith working group of Mission 21 for partnership program among Protestant Churches in Indonesia and in Switzerland. (2006-present).