At the ACRP Executive Committee meeting, held on 14 and 15 October, EC members agreed on new dates for the 9th General Assembly in 2021. The main assembly will be held On October 20 to 22, 2021 at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center.
They also agreed on new dates for Youth Pre-Assembly, which will be held from 17 to 19 October, and for Women’s Pre-Assembly, which will be held on 19 October.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all EC members have concluded that the next Assembly should deal with this theme one way or the other. Therefore, it was also announced that the central theme and sub-themes of the Assembly have also been changed with some modifications from the original ones, considering the global situation.
The Central Theme
Asian Religious Communities in Action:
Moving towards an Inclusive, Healthy, Prosperous, Peaceful Asia
The Sub-Themes
(a)Education for Peace and Human Dignity: Challenges for an Inclusive, Healthy, Prosperous, Peaceful Asia
(b)Human Rights and Well-being for the Vulnerable: Challenges for an Inclusive, Healthy, Prosperous, Peaceful Asia
(c)Reconciliation for Social Cohesion and Harmony: Challenges for an Inclusive, Healthy, Prosperous, Peaceful Asia
(d)Development and the Environment in Diversifying Societies: Challenges for an Inclusive, Healthy, Prosperous, Peaceful Asia
It was emphasized that in the next Assembly we should have a special session in which action-oriented programs could be worked out. Therefore, all EC members came to agree to hold a Special Plenary Session entitled “COVID-19 and Asia’s Religious Communities: Learnings
and Recovery” on the morning of the 3rd day of Assembly.