RfP Myanmar Religious Leaders Visit Japan To Strengthen Partnership on Peacebuilding and Reconciliation

(April 8, 2016 | Tokyo, Japan) – Religious leaders in Religions for Peace Myanmar (RfP Myanmar), together with representatives of Ma Ba Tha (Association of the Protection of Race and Religion), visited Japan from 4-8 April 2016 to meet with the Japanese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, parliamentarians and religious leaders on partnerships to advance peace and democracy in Myanmar. […]


Seoul, South Korea. – Around 70 Japanese and Korean youth participated in the 12th Religious Youth Camp Exchange with the theme “The role of Korea and Japan religious youth for promoting peace in East Asia” from 30th of January to 2nd of February 2016 held in Paju, Kyoung gi-do. The religious youth camp started in 1990 as an integral component of the collaborative effort between Korean Conference of Religions for Peace (KCRP) and World Conference of Religions for Peace-Japan (WCRP/Japan) to promote harmonious relationship between the Japanese and Korean people through youth inter-religious dialogue and peace-building activities.

RfP-APIYN holds its Annual Youth Camp in Cambodia

December 8, 2015| Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The Religions for Peace (RfP) Asia & Pacific Interfaith Youth Network (APIYN) representing 50 multi-religious youth from 15 countries across the region have convened a three-days youth camp with the theme “Multireligios Youth Action to Overcome Violent and Non-Violent Religious Extremism” in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The aim of the youth camp is to educate, train and mobilize religious youth leaders in the Asia-Pacific region to understand the issues and concerns of religious extremism and capacitate them to properly respond based on multi-religious common action. […]