CCRP New Leadership

Congratulations! We are happy to introduce China Committee on Religion and Peace New Leadership 2021-2026! <President>Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC, Honorary President of the Buddhist Association of China, and Chairman of the CPPCC Tibetan Committee.<Executive Vice President>Vice-Chairman of the Sub-committee of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the CPPCC<Vice President>President of the Buddhist Association of ChinaMember of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the CPPCC, and President of the Taoist Association of ChinaMember of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the CPPCC, and President of the China Read more about CCRP New Leadership[…]

New Leaders of RfP New Zealand

We are happy to announce our new leaders of RfP New Zealand!Let us introduce Professor Dr. Paul Morris, and Dr. Pushapa Wood! ~~WELCOME TO ACRP!~~ Professor Dr. Paul is a religious studies scholar and an Emeritus Professor at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Dr. Pushapa Wood is director of the Financial Education and Research Centre at Massey University, New Zealand.We hope to keep walking together for world peace!

RfP Philippines New Leadership

Congratulations! We are happy to introduce RfP Philippines’ New Leadership 2021-2026! Honorary Presidents: Most Rev. Antonio Ledesma and Hadja Lourdes MasturaPresident: Dr. Lilian SisonSecretary General: Dr. Pablito Baybado Jr.Deputy Secretaries General: Dr. Renz Argao and Ms. Haidi FajardoWomen Coordinator: Dr. Joan Trocio-BagaipoYouth Coordinator: Dr. Jacqueline MallariBOARD MEMBERSFr. Carlos ReyesFr. Richard BabaoArchdiocese of Manila-Ministry of Ecumenical & Inter-Religious AffairsTed AragoAsela AragoFocolareImam Col. Ebra MoxsirImam Council of the PhilippinesFr. Filemon Dela Cruz, Jr. OpPhilippine Dominican ProvinceVen. Miao Jing ShiFo Guang Shan Mabuhay TempleAtty. Mariam Mastura-LinsanganIslamic Welfare SocietyTimuay Lito PalmaArumanen-Manubo Ancestral Domain Tribal Impahalad

Announcement: ACRP New Leadership

The ACRP Tokyo Assembly was held online from October 17 to 22, 2021. About 500 people from all over the world participated.During the assembly, the Governance Assembly approved the new leadership of ACRP!Please refer to each page for details.ACRPAsia & the Pacific Interfaith Youth NetworkAsia-Pacific Women of Faith Network

You are invited to ACRP Ninth General Assembly!!!

Registration is now open for ACRP Ninth General Assembly!Please register BEFORE you join!With its 21 member nations comprising more than half of humanity, the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP), now generally known as Religions for Peace Asia, will hold its Ninth Asian Assembly in Tokyo in 19th-22nd October 2021 in online mode.The overall aims of the General Assembly are to approve a new constitution, appoint the office-bearers for the next five years, approve the Assembly declaration and, lastly, to approve a series of recommendations as part of an ACRP action plan that would guide the organization and the Tokyo secretariat until the next Assembly, probably in 2025.Youth Pre-Assembly: Read more about You are invited to ACRP Ninth General Assembly!!![…]


Reflections on the Meaning of the Three Gandhian Issues in Interpreting the Practice of Religious Life in Society ~Non-Violence, Environment, and Education~Religions for Peace Asia is pleased to announce that our esteemed members of INTERFIDEI are going to hold series of talk shows under the theme of Non-violence, Environment, and Education.Every 21st September, the world, including Indonesia, celebrates “International Day of Peace,” especially among interfaith youth groups in various regions, which is important and interesting. It is a good “sign” that PEACE is still expected in Indonesia and needs to be prayed for and fought for.“International Day of Peace” is also followed by the 153rd anniversary of Gandhi Jayanti and Read more about INTERFIDEI TALK SHOWS[…]

Announce an Achievement of Religions for Peace

Religions for Peace to Be Awarded the European Culture Prize on Friday, October 1st.~~The European Cultural Foundation Pro Europa awarded the European Culture Prize~~Religions for Peace, as a Faith-Based Organization, has been working hand in hand with people of different religions for world peace.It is pleased to announce that we received a highly distinguished     Pro Humanitate (Humanitarian) prize for the extraordinary work in service of humanity, led by Secretary-General, Dr. Azza Karam.The award winners this year are more international than ever. TV presenter and three-time Echo Klassik award winner Malte Arkona will be hosting the gala and international musicians were responsible for the program. This day became a memorable Read more about Announce an Achievement of Religions for Peace[…]