Online Forum: Drivers and Barriers to Routine Immunization for Children Under Five and COVID 19 Vaccination Among Religious Communities
Religions for Peace Asia is pleased to announce that UNICEF, Joint Learning Initiative on Local Faith Communities (JLI) and Religions for Peace will be holding an online forum with the topic of “Drivers and Barriers to Routine Immunization for Children Under Five and COVID 19 Vaccination Among Religious Communities”. They will discuss the findings and results of the Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities (FPCC) Initiative‘s multi-country survey, conducted across 10 countries and receiving nearly 20,000 respondents. From 2022-2023, the global FPCC initiative, comprising UNICEF, the Joint Learning Initiative on Local Communities, Religions for Peace and other faith-based partners, conducted a multi-country mobile phone survey with nearly 20,000 Read more about Online Forum: Drivers and Barriers to Routine Immunization for Children Under Five and COVID 19 Vaccination Among Religious Communities[…]