The south and north Korea religious leaders commits to dialogue and peace
Beijing, China.
Religious Leaders from north and south Korea have jointly expressed, at the annual Asian Conference of Religions for Peace/Religions for Peace Asia Executive Committee Meeting, their intention of continuing dialogue and peace action in promoting the reunification of the Korean peninsula.
“Peace in Korean peninsula leads to peace in the Asian region as well as the entire world,” says Rev. Nemoto, the newly elected ACRP/RfP Asia Secretary General. It is for this reason that ACRP/RfP Asia is committed to supporting the initiative of the religious leaders from north and south Korea.
ACRP/RfP Asia, as a region-wide interreligious body, has played a key role in providing platforms to enhance bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation and friendship among religious leaders, such as the Korean Conference of Religions for Peace and China Committee on Religion and Peace dialogue, the Religions for Peace Japan and Korean Conference of Religions for Peace dialogue, and the China Committee on Religion and Peace and the Religions for Peace Pakistan among others.
ACRP/RfP Asia applauds the efforts of the north and south Korean religious leaders to establish a joint action plan to ease the increasing tension in the Korean peninsula. ACRP/RfP Asia fully supports the initiative of the north-south Korean religious leaders dialogue.
Dr. Din Syamsuddin, the ACRP/RfP Asia Moderator, called on the north and south Korean religious leaders to engage their governments for a high level talks for peace and unity. “Indonesia will be most willing to host the high level talks, while ACRP/RfP Asia can serve as an instrument in coordinating the meeting,” he said.