SG Message of Condolence: Dr. Mir Nawaz Khan Marwat Passed Away

September 25, 2017

Dear all:

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing on 21 September 2017 of our Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP/RfP Asia) colleague and beloved friend, Dr. Mir Nawaz Khan Marwat, in Karachi, Pakistan. With his passing, a committed Muslim and courageous, pioneering advocate for peace has left us.

In ACRP, Dr. Mir Nawaz Khan Marwat, provided exemplary leadership as the Honorary President of ACRP as well as the Chairperson of the Religions for Peace (RfP) Pakistan.

Under his leadership, the RfP Pakistan was transformed into the vibrant, action-oriented organization it is today. His depth of devotion and breadth of vision attracted support from many partners.

An internationally recognized Muslim leader protecting human right of ethnic and religious minorities, Dr. Marwat’s use of “deep listening” in dialogue, based upon Islamic values and practices, was highly admired and respected among many religious and political leaders in Pakistan.

A tireless advocate for the peacebuilding roles among diversified ethnicities and religions, Dr. Marwat provided the platform of substantial dialogue in Pakistan to deepen mutual understanding and trust to advance coexistence of peoples with different ethnic and religious backgrounds. He was one of the prominent political leaders and served as the Minister of Ethnic Minority in the government in Pakistan. He always led WCRP and ACRP to address the concrete issues people are facing with in the world.

He dedicated himself in the service of inter-religious dialogue and cooperation for long years as an expression of his own Muslim practice and with the conviction that multi-religious cooperation for the common good is a key to advancing genuine peace and harmony. He has also raised many leaders of the coming generations for this very important field.

Dr. Mir Nawaz Khan Marwat’s family, as well as his close colleagues in ACRP as well as IRCP-RfP, remain in our thoughts and prayers during this time of sorrow and mourning. While we miss him greatly, we can also draw strength from Dr. Marwat’s depth of commitment.

Yours in partnership,

Rev. Nobuhiro Nemoto

Secretary General

Asian Conference of Religions for Peace