Four Working Commissions:
Important Internal Bodies of ACRP
At the EC meeting held at Bangalore India in April 2018, a proposal that the existing (standing) Commissions be replaced bt ad-hoc based (not standing) Working Commissions was officially adopted. As a result, there exist the Working Commission on Recocinliation and Security, Working Commissions on Human Rights and Welfare, Working Commission of Peace Education and Peace Research and Working Commission on Development and Environment. And new Working Commisssions are to be established in accordance with necessities arouse.
Four ACRP Working Commissions(Alphabetical order)
(The working Commissions will be finally approved at the Executive Council Meeting in 2023)

(Chaired by RfP New Zealand)
○Working Commission on Human Rights and Welfare

(Chaired by Indonesia)
○Working Commission on Peace Education and Peace Research

(Chaired by Republic of Korea)
○Working Commission on Development and Environment

(Chaired by China)