Religions for Peace Myanmar
Religions for Peace Myanmar
COUNTRYRepublic of the Union of Myanmar
ADDRESSNo.58, 1st Floor, Bo Gyoke Aung San Road, Pazundaung Township, Yangon.
WEBSITE/Facebook[WEB] click here
[Facebook] click here
LEADERSHIPPatrons of Religions for Peace – Myanmar
Ven. Dr. Dhammasami (Chief Abbot, Oxford Buddha Vihara, Buddhist Chaplain to Oxford University)
Ven. Dr. Seikinda (Dhammaduta, Dean, International Theravada Buddhist University)
His Eminence Cardinal Charles Bo (Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Yangon)
Core Group Members
Core Members maintain oversight of the administrative, programming, and financial management and auditing of RfP-M activities. Core members are chosen for their exemplary leadership amongst their constituency and in interfaith activities.
U Myint Swe (President)
Daw Yin Yin Maw (Secretary-General)
Rev. Fr. George Shwe Htun (Core Group Member)
Al Haj Kalifah U Aye Lwin (Core Group Member)
Dr. Hla Tun (Core Group Member)
Rev. Mahn Palmerston (Core Group Member)
Executive Council
The Executive Council of RfP-M consists of representative leaders from different religious traditions and individuals who have exhibited proven records of leadership and engagement in the promotion of peace and harmony in their respective religious communities and through inter-religious dialogue and cooperation. The Executive Council aims to ensure a balanced representation of religious traditions and engagement of women and youth.
Women of Faith Network (WoFN)
Formed in September 2014, and officially launched in December 2014, the RfP-M WoFN mobilizes existing religious organizations and women groups for multi-religious cooperation with a shared mission to build peace, protect the earth and promote just and harmonious societies.
The WoFN is an action-oriented interreligious women network is comprised of representatives from religious women organizations, inter-religious bodies, religious bodies, and institutions from four main religions: Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, and Muslim, bringing certain special value for the network, beyond the constituency and congregations of religious organizations.
The WoFN works on development and peacebuilding programs, capacity building and empowerment of women, and the advancement of women involvement in the peace process at home, in the community, and in conflict-affected areas through multi-religious cooperation. The WoFN is committed to gender equality, prevention of domestic abuse, and advancement of women’s issues. It is a member of the Gender Equality Network (GEN); an active inter-agency network of over 117 national and international NGOs, networks, and technical specialists.
Interfaith Youth Network (IYN)
Formed in February 2013, RfP-M IYN is a representative, action-oriented and sustainable interfaith youth network in Myanmar. Embracing youths from Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, and Hindu faiths.
With the core values of team spirit, mutual understanding, loving-kindness, respect, good examples, and trust, RfP-M IYN advocates for peacebuilding and augmenting interfaith youth network through peace sharing sessions, visits to religious sites, volunteering services in HIV/AIDS shelters, building knowledge on elections, civil society, nutrition, health and child protection and campaigning against hate speech.
RfP-M IYN is currently working on peacebuilding amongst youths with outreach activities to end hate speech and promote, respect, understanding, and tolerance in order to build a peaceful pluralist society.
In June 2012, religious communities in Myanmar came together to form Religions for Peace – Myanmar (RfP-M) as the country’s first full-fledged representative and action-oriented interreligious body for reconciliation, peace, and development. RfP-M brings together all of the four major religions of Myanmar; Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, and was officially inaugurated in September 2012.
RfP-Myanmar is one of Religions for Peace’s 90 National Affiliates. RfP-M consists of Myanmar’s historic religious traditions and organizations including the Sitagu International Buddhist Academy; the Ratana Metta Organization (Buddhist); the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC); the Catholic Church; the Sanatan Hindu Organization in Myanmar; and the Islamic Centre of Myanmar. RfP-M works at the national, regional, and local levels and capitalizes on each organization’s ability to mobilize its existing infrastructure of thousands of local congregations. It offers a platform for religious leaders on joint advocacy, coordinated program response, and training, mobilization of local communities around issues of public concern, and for channeling resources through local congregations and other faith groups.
<Mission> Communities with diverse religious beliefs live in peace and harmony in Myanmar.
<Vision> Advance inter-communal harmony and social cohesion through interreligious cooperation.
<Basic principles>
1. Respect religious differences
2. Act on deeply held and widely shared values
3. Preserve the identity of each religious community
4. Honor the different ways religious communities are organized
5. Link local, regional and national religious and multi-religious structures
1. To urge and motivate all religious adherents in Myanmar to make concerted and conscientious efforts at promoting peace and harmony
2. To promote the sharing of knowledge amongst religious communities, of their respective principles and values to build a peaceful and harmonious society in Myanmar and the world at large
3. To create a forum for deliberating and articulating common interests and concerns.
4. To plan and implement collaborative actions based on shared moral commitments in Myanmar and worldwide
5. To promote respect for unique traditions and differences in belief and action
6. To connect, liaise and cooperate with national and international religious bodies, organizations, communities and societies to promote and enhance lasting peace and universal harmony.
・Overview of Interfaith Activities (NEW!)
・Message of Cardinal Charles Maung Bo to the People of Myanmar
・Religions for Peace International Statement on Unfolding Events in Myanmar
・Annual Report 2019-2020
・A Narrative Report of RfP Multi-Religious Humanitarian Support Fund- COVID-19 Response
・Prayer and Condolences for all victims of jade mine tragedy
・Statement by Cardinal Charles Maung Bo
・Message from RfP Myanmar
・Annual Report 2018-2019
・Annual Report 2017-2018
・Annual Report 2016-2017
・Annual Report 2014-2015