June 6, 2019


Religions for Peace Australia


Religions for Peace Australia


Commonwealth of Australia


71 Wellington Street, Flemington, Victoria, 3031 Australia


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The mission of Religions for Peace Australia is to work for interreligious peace and harmony and for social cohesion in Australia as well as upholding the universal values of authentic religion and spirituality. It has branches and affiliates in all states and territories of Australia and is recognized as a national interfaith organization. Religions for Peace Australia has sponsored in association with the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs the research study, Religion, Cultural Diversity and Safeguarding Australia, and two companion volumes in Islam in Australia and Constructing a Local Multifaith Network. Religions for Peace Australia has undertaken extensive research into multifaith Australia and is assisting the development of new multifaith agencies and works.


Religion, Cultural Diversity and Safeguarding Australia
Publications and Papers by Members
2009 Parliament of the World’s Religions
Key Statistics for Australia
Freedom of Belief – Australian Human Rights Commission


・[ONLINEE EVENT] 2022 World Interfaith Harmony Week Lecture
・Annual Report 2020-2021
・Annual Report 2019-2020
・75 Years Since The Hiroshima Bombing
・Webinar Summary Report
・Message from RfP Australia
・Report of Interfaith Exchange and Shared Future for Mankind Seminar in China
・Annual Report 2018-2019
・Annual Report 2017-2018
・Annual Report 2016-2017
・Annual Report 2015-2016