Dr. Susan Ennis

Dr. Susan Ennis (Australia, Protestant)

For more than 40 years Susan Ennis has coordinated/taught English to newly arrived adult refugees/immigrants in Australia. She has also been involved in both a voluntary/paid capacity with the settlement of these groups and asylum seekers. In addition, she has taught English as a Second Language in Turkey, PRC, Cambodia and worked in Israel.

In 2012 she obtained her PhD and later Palgrave published her book on Religion, Spirituality and the Refugee Experience based on her PhD. The motivation for her research and book were her long-held interest in religious/spiritual matters, her observations on the need for more understanding of refugees’ religious and/or spiritual experiences and how this practically affects settlement and social cohesion.

For the past nine years she has been the Secretary of Religions for Peace (RfP) Victoria or Australia and has assisted Professor Desmond Cahill in forming RfP Australia as a national network. Again, with the assistance of Professor Cahill she published a 2018 audit of Multifaith Activity across Australia. Since the mid 1990s Sue has been an active member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia.